tirsdag 21. august 2012


Ida had her first day at CIS today, and found it very amusing. In her class there are five new pupils out of a total of 21, whereas one is a Swedish boy. Three of them will join the "English-Language-Learner"-class. She got herself a friend called Audrey who sits next to her by her table, and according to their teacher, Ms Poff, they had a great time together during classes. Catching up with them during lunch, Ida hardly had time for a comment; she was too busy with her class-mates! Even so, she almost fell asleep in the taxi back home; it was a rather exhausting day!

2 kommentarer:

  1. Idaaaaaaa <3 Sjukt søt ! Og sjukt bron ! :O

    Så bra at det gjekk fint på skulen. Eg må snakka med ho sjøl, så ho kan fortelle håssen det var i dag :D

    Klem Johanne <3

  2. Herleg å sjå snuppa!! Tenkjer mykje på dekkan;-) detta blir bra!!
